Tuesday, June 29, 2010

What's in a Name Anyway?

Our lovely intern was telling a co-worker about the HUGE project that "Trish" gave him, when my other co-worker overheard and kindly told him, "Her name is Laura. Not Trish." To which our intern replied, "Oh."

I walk into work this morning and am greeted with a sunshiny "Good Morning Trish!" before he scurries off in the opposite direction. Confused, but not utterly baffled, I continue to put my lunch in the fridge upstairs. Upon returning to my desk, my boss pulls me aside and asks if I gave the new intern a project the other day. To which I replied, "Yes, why?" My boss then proceeds to inform me of their earlier conversation that went something like this:

Intern: "I'm working on this HUGE project that Trish gave me."
Boss: "Trish? I think you mean Laura, the girl from marketing?"
Intern: "Why does everyone keep calling her Laura when her name is Trish!?"
Boss: "Because her name is Laura."
Intern: "OK"

30 minutes later.

Intern: "Hey Trish, when do you need this project finished by?"
Me: "Me? I'm LAURA."
Intern: (Giggles) "OK..."

I'm no longer certain what my name is.


  1. Ok -Laura firstly I am only commenting to show you no one is reading this except me to prove what a waste of time this is. Plus I have heard the above story twice so it was kinda boring reading it here too. Also you are so being punked by the JJ

  2. Laur, unlike Roger, I actually think this story is quite hilarious. Probably for 2 reasons: 1)I do not work with you and have not heard this story; and 2)I actually thought your name was Trish for a long time ;)
